Tomorrow is my first big move since Ive been over here. Tomorrow we move from a tiny flat on the third floor to a wonderful little townhouse down the road. This is a big deal for me because its another one of those steps in the stairs of life. Your first house. Granted, its not one that we have bought but still, its my first house with my new complete family.
I guess I should explain a little about me. I am a 28 year old Mexican/American currently living in the UK. Ive moved a lot my entire life due to my dad's work. I'm not complaining, I loved it (for the most part). Now I have continued the 'tradition' as an adult. I guess I decided that neither Mexican or American men were what I wanted and went for a British one. Yeah, way to make things complicated. Anyway long story short, I met my husband, fell in love, got married, moved to England. I should also mention that I had a baby girl at the time so, yes, it wasn't easy but we did it and here we are.
I now have 2 precious girls, 5 (nearly) and 3 months old. I love them to pieces. And they have also inspired this new urge to get crafting. That and going from someplace where almost anything you could ever think of was available just down the road to a place where...well.... lets just say its quite the opposite and you have to really search well if you want something specific. Don't get me wrong, I love it here despite the wet (its really not as rainy as people make it out to be). It has just given me an excuse to make things myself!
So here we are, moving tomorrow! No internet until the 9th unfortunately but that's ok I have plenty to do!! I am going to make my special crafting space and finally get my new sewing machine! I'm am not a very disciplined person by the way so I'm going to make a special effort to continue this blogging seeing as I enjoy everyone else's so much. Wish me luck! For now I guess I can share with you the cards I have made... keep in mind they were taken with a cell phone so not the best quality.
Have a wonderful February!
- Samantha